#region "--Methods--"
public string ConvertToInteranationWords(string numb)
string RetVal = string.Empty;
numb = numb.Trim();
if (this.IsNumber(numb))
string currency = "$ ";
string _currency = " cents Only.";
string Number;
string deciml;
string _number;
string _deciml;
string[] no = numb.Split('.');
if (no.Length == 1)
if (no[0].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[0]) > 0)
Number = no[0];
_number = (NameOfNumber(Number));
RetVal = currency + _number + " Only.";
RetVal = currency + " Zero Only.";
else if (no.Length == 2)
//int number part
if (no[0].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[0]) > 0)
Number = no[0];
_number = (NameOfNumber(Number));
_number = "Zero";
//decimal number part
if (no[1].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[1]) > 0)
deciml = no[1];
if (no[1].Length == 1)
deciml = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(no[1]) * 10);
_deciml = (NameOfNumber(deciml));
_deciml = "Zero";
// when both int and decimal part conbined.
RetVal = currency + _number.Trim() + " and " + _deciml.Trim() + _currency;
catch (Exception ex)
RetVal = "Invalid Value";
return RetVal;
#region "--Private variables--"
string[] US = new string[1003];
string[] SNu = new string[20];
string[] SNt = new string[10];
private void Initialize()
SNu[0] = "";
SNu[1] = "One";
SNu[2] = "Two";
SNu[3] = "Three";
SNu[4] = "Four";
SNu[5] = "Five";
SNu[6] = "Six";
SNu[7] = "Seven";
SNu[8] = "Eight";
SNu[9] = "Nine";
SNu[10] = "Ten";
SNu[11] = "Eleven";
SNu[12] = "Twelve";
SNu[13] = "Thirteen";
SNu[14] = "Fourteen";
SNu[15] = "Fifteen";
SNu[16] = "Sixteen";
SNu[17] = "Seventeen";
SNu[18] = "Eighteen";
SNu[19] = "Nineteen";
SNt[2] = "Twenty";
SNt[3] = "Thirty";
SNt[4] = "Forty";
SNt[5] = "Fifty";
SNt[6] = "Sixty";
SNt[7] = "Seventy";
SNt[8] = "Eighty";
SNt[9] = "Ninety";
US[1] = "";
US[2] = "Thousand";
US[3] = "Million";
US[4] = "Billion";
US[5] = "Trillion";
US[6] = "Quadrillion";
US[7] = "Quintillion";
US[8] = "Sextillion";
US[9] = "Septillion";
US[10] = "Octillion";
public string NameOfNumber(string Number)
string GroupName = "";
string OutPut = "";
if ((Number.Length % 3) != 0)
Number = Number.PadLeft((Number.Length + (3 - (Number.Length % 3))), '0');
string[] Array = new string[Number.Length / 3];
Int16 Element = -1;
Int32 DisplayCount = -1;
bool LimitGroupsShowAll = false;
int LimitGroups = 0;
bool GroupToWords = true;
for (Int16 Count = 0; Count <= Number.Length - 3; Count += 3)
Element += 1;
Array[Element] = Number.Substring(Count, 3);
if (LimitGroups == 0)
LimitGroupsShowAll = true;
for (Int16 Count = 0; (Count <= ((Number.Length / 3) - 1)); Count++)
if (((DisplayCount < LimitGroups) || LimitGroupsShowAll))
if (Array[Count] == "000") continue;
GroupName = US[((Number.Length / 3) - 1) - Count + 1];
if ((GroupToWords == true))
OutPut += Group(Array[Count]).TrimEnd(' ') + " " + GroupName + " ";
OutPut += Array[Count].TrimStart('0') + " " + GroupName;
Array = null;
return OutPut;
private string Group(string Argument)
string Hyphen = ""; string OutPut = ""; Int16 d1 = Convert.ToInt16(Argument.Substring(0, 1));
Int16 d2 = Convert.ToInt16(Argument.Substring(1, 1));
Int16 d3 = Convert.ToInt16(Argument.Substring(2, 1));
if ((d1 >= 1))
OutPut += SNu[d1] + " hundred ";
if ((double.Parse(Argument.Substring(1, 2)) < 20))
OutPut += SNu[Convert.ToInt16(Argument.Substring(1, 2))];
if ((double.Parse(Argument.Substring(1, 2)) >= 20))
if (Convert.ToInt16(Argument.Substring(2, 1)) == 0)
Hyphen += " ";
Hyphen += " ";
OutPut += SNt[d2] + Hyphen + SNu[d3];
return OutPut;
/// Test whether string is a number or not.
private Boolean IsNumber(string num)
Boolean RetVal = false;
num = num.Trim();
if (num.Length > 0)
double test;
test = Convert.ToDouble(num);
RetVal = true;
catch (System.FormatException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
return RetVal;
public string ConvertToINR(string numb)
string RetVal = string.Empty;
numb = numb.Trim();
if (this.IsNumber(numb))
string currency = "Rupees ";
string _currency = " Paise Only.";
string Number;
string deciml;
string _number;
string _deciml;
string[] no = numb.Split('.');
if (no.Length == 1)
if (no[0].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[0]) > 0)
Number = no[0];
_number = (NameOfINRNumber(Number));
RetVal = currency + _number + " Only.";
RetVal = currency + " Zero Only.";
else if (no.Length == 2)
//int number part
if (no[0].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[0]) > 0)
Number = no[0];
_number = (NameOfINRNumber(Number));
_number = "Zero";
//decimal number part
if (no[1].Length >= 1 && Convert.ToDouble(no[1]) > 0)
deciml = no[1];
if (deciml.Length > 2)
deciml = deciml.Substring(0, 2);
if (no[1].Length == 1)
deciml = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(no[1]) * 10);
_deciml = (NameOfINRNumber(deciml));
_deciml = "Zero";
// when both int and decimal part conbined.
RetVal = currency + _number.Trim() + " and " + _deciml.Trim() + _currency;
catch (Exception ex)
else //not a number
RetVal = "Invalid Input.";
return RetVal;
private string NameOfINRNumber(string Number)
string RetVal = string.Empty;
int len = Number.Length;
if (len >= 0 && len <= 5)
RetVal = (NameOfNumber(Number));
else if (len > 5 && len <= 7)
RetVal = NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(0, len - 5)) + " Lakh " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 5));
else if (len > 7 && len <= 9)
RetVal = NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(0, len - 7)) + " Crore " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 7, 2)) + " Lakh " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 5));
else if (len > 9 && len <= 11)
RetVal = NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(0, len - 9)) + " Arab " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 9, 2)) + " Crore " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 7, 2)) + " Lakh " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 5));
else if (len > 11 && len <= 13)
RetVal = NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(0, len - 11)) + " Kharab " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 11, 2)) + " Arab " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 9, 2)) + " Crore " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 7, 2)) + " Lakh " + NameOfNumber(Number.Substring(len - 5));
else if (len > 13)
RetVal = NameOfNumber(Number);
catch (Exception ex)
//throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
return RetVal;
How to call this class, if you can put it will be more easy i think.... :)